Ministry of Hajj
Ministry of Hajj
Ministry of Hajj
Hajj Notices
Hajj Questionnaire

Determining How to Utilize and Apply Financial Resources

In principle, the Ministry of Hajj and some other monitoring authorities approve the penalties and fines that are imposed on the authorities that provide services to the pilgrims within the framework of the relevant regulations. Such fines, which amount to millions of Riyals, are transferred to the Ministry of Finance and National Economy, for it to spend on charity projects.

The Ministry shall seek to tighten the monitoring regulations of the authorities in charge of providing Hajj services and strictly to follow up the collection of the fines imposed pursuant to the regulations. The Ministry shall also seek to introduce the concept that serving the guests of the Most Merciful are among the loftiest of charity services. Therefore, spending the sums of these fines on developing the pilgrims' services has top priority and is most beneficial, provided this is referred to his Highness the Head of the Higher Hajj Committee for his approval and the subsequent securitization by the Bureau of Accounting General of the spending activities.