Important PCA Requirements
A. It will be Operator's responsibility to ascertain that proper navigation equipment and charts are carried on board each Aircraft at all times.
B. Your operations will be conducted in accordance with the applicable PCA regulations (US Federal Aviation Regulations Part 129) and PCA requirements in the PCA - AIP and applicable Airworthiness Guides.
C. Please submit to PCA Air Transport Department this form with the original Company Stamp affixed on the Form together with the following:
1. PCA-ASSD Forms to be filled by the Operator.
- PCA-ASSD 110-1 (as revised) for each Aircraft, (Foreign Operator Authorization for Commercial Operations within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- PCA-ASSD Form 206-F (as revised) for each Aircraft, (Data Sheet for Foreign Operator Form to be stamped by Civil Aviation Department of Aircraft Registry).
- PCA-ASSD Form 8400-8B (as revised) Presidency of Civil Aviation, Aviation Safety and Standards, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Operations Specifications), to be stamped by the operator's civil aviation authority.
2. Documents to be submitted by the Operator.
- A copy of Air Operator Certificate (A.O.C.)
- A copy of valid Certificate of Registration for each Aircraft.
- A copy of valid Certificate of Airworthiness for each Aircraft.
- A copy of valid Aircraft Insurance Certificate covering each Aircraft.
- A copy of Noise Certificate for each aircraft.
- A copy of Radio License for each aircraft.
- Original letter of undertaking (Company Letterhead signed by authorized person and Company Stamp affixed) stating that the Company will be fully responsible in case of violation, incident, accident or whatsoever occurrence related to the Aircraft.
- A copy of Aircraft lease agreement (if applicable).
- A copy of Contract showing an arrangement for Aircraft Maintenance within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in case of Aircraft out of Service. If there is no arrangement, then an appropriately rated Mechanic must be onboard to return the Aircraft to Service.
- Statement of Compliance with PCA/FAR 129.28
D. A copy of PCA-ASSD 110-1 approved form shall be carried on board the Aircraft at all times and shall be presented upon request of a Representative of the Presidency of Civil Aviation.
E. The Aircraft shall be inspected by the PCA upon arrival in the Kingdom on the first Flight. The Operator's Representative will advise PCA-ASSD (Fax Nos. 685-5745 / 685-5142) about the date and time of arrival of the first Flight.
F. Changes in any of the above information must be reported to the Director of Airworthiness immediately so that the PCA Records remain accurate and current.
1. Approved PCA Form PCA-ASSD 110-1 (as revised) and PCA/FAR 129 Ops Specs. Allow you to operate your Aircraft for Commercial/Compensation purposes.
2. All information in the Documents must be in English or the translation in English Language is certified.
3. All operators are required to subscribe to the Saudi Arabian Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP) Manual.
4. You can visit PCA Web Site for more information concerning PCA Forms and Airworthiness Guides (Follow the dropdown menu links in the icons).
- Application Requirements
- Flight Scheduling and Slot Allocation Procedures
- Technical Measures and Conditions Governing Air Operations Applied on all Flights
- Technical Conditions/ Requirements Pertaining to Air Safety and Standards Regulating Air Operation
- Additional Technical Conditions Applicable to Air Carriers Operating Only Hajj Charter Flights
- General Terms and Conditions
- Penalties for Violation
Main reference point: