The Prophet Ibrahim builds the Kaaba and performs Hajj (1)
The rites of the Hajj were laid down by Allah to mark historic events in the life of Prophet Ibrahim, which show his absolute and total submission to the will of Allah. Allah commanded the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), on one of his visits to see Haajar and Ishmael, to build the House of God (the Holy Kaaba). With the help of his son Ishmael, Ibrahim built the House of God on the ground where the Kaaba stands to this day.
The Archangel Gabriel brought from Paradise a stone, known as the Black Stone (Al-Hajar Al-Aswad), which was set into one corner of the Kaaba.
Behold! We gave the site |
To Ibrahim, of the (Sacred) House, |
(Saying): "Associate not anything |
(In worship) with Me; |
And sanctify My House |
For those who compass it round |
Or stand up |
Or bow, or prostrate themselves |
(Therein in prayer). |
"And proclaim the Pilgrimage |
Among men: they will come |
To thee on foot and (mounted) |
On every kind of camel, |
Lean on account of journeys |
Through deep and distant |
Mountain highways; |
"That they may witness |
The benefits (provided ) for them, |
And celebrate the name |
Of God, through the Days |
Appointed, over the cattle |
Which He has provided for them |
(For sacrifice): then eat ye |
Thereof and feed the distressed |
Ones in want. |
"Then let them complete |
The rites prescribed |
For them, perform their vows, |
And (again) circumambulate |
The Ancient House." |
Surah Al Hajj 22: 26 - 29