Ministry of Hajj
Ministry of Hajj
Ministry of Hajj
Hajj Notices
Hajj Questionnaire

FORM 03: Organizer Authorisation by Saudi Arabian Embassy in Organizer's Country

To: The Deputy Minister for Hajj Affairs

Al-Salamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.

I, …………………….………., holder of passport No. (…...……….) dated (…..../..…./…...) issued by the state of (…………..………….………),wish to inform you, in my capacity as . owner (….)/general manager (….) of the organizer …………………………………….., whose headquarters are in (…………….……….), and who is registered with the Ministry of Hajj under No. (…….………), that I have authorized the person mentioned below:

Name ……………….………………………………


Passport Number: ………….……………………..

Passport Date:……………………………………..

to represent the organizer in approaching the Ministry of Hajj, the National Establishment for Hajj Affairs in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah. He shall be fully responsible for completing and finalizing the formalities connected with the arrival of pilgrims, for providing all required documents, and for executing all contracts and agreements pertaining to accommodation, transportation and service in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and the Holy Sites for all pilgrims arriving under the organizer’s umbrella for this year’s (……….. H.) Hajj Season.

Please accept highest esteem


Signature: ……………………………………….

Official Stamp:

Authorization Form (to be certified by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the same state)