Ministry of Hajj
Ministry of Hajj
Ministry of Hajj

Switzerland - Approved Umrah Travel Agents

Here are listed travel agents in this country currently approved by the Ministry of Hajj to apply for Umrah visas.

Because changes to the approval list can take time to come through the system, it is always advisable to check the credentials of the travel agent with your Saudi Arabian Embassy.


  • Albanisch Islamischer Verband Tel: 41522333782
  • Albanish Islamische Gemein Schft Tel: 41444928192
  • Emen Travel Servies Tel: 41795095987
  • Fondation Cul Turelle Islami Que Tel: 41227883711
  • I`orient Express Tel: 41244256061
  • Ibac Travel Tel: 41448250121
  • Isvicre Islam Toplulu Tel: 4119321569
  • Jinene S.a Tel: 41264677086
  • Turk Diyanet Isleri Tel: 33144647777

Main reference point:


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