At the age of 25, Muhammad (peace be upon him) married Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her), a wealthy Makkan widow. At her invitation, Muhammad (peace be upon him), whose reputation for integrity was widely recognised amongst the Makkans, had taken care of some of her business and, on one trip to Syria, had succeeded in providing his employer with a much better than expected return. The trust between the two quickly developed and very soon the noble Khadijah expressed interest in marrying Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the wedding was arranged.
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this union. Although Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) was fifteen years older than Muhammad (peace be upon him), their marriage was fruitful, happy and enduring. Khadijah bore Muhammad's (peace be upon him) six children. There were two boys, Qasim and Abdullah, neither of whom survived infancy; and four daughters, Zainab, Ruqaiyyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with them all). The marriage lasted until Khadijah's death and, throughout the twenty five years of the marriage, Muhammad (peace be upon him) took no other wife.
List of Sections:
- Childhood
- Marriage
- Revelation
- Conflict with Makkans
- Migration
- Consolidation
- Battle of Badr
- Battle of the Ditch
- The Taking of Makkah
- The Death of the Prophet
- The Spread of Islam
Main reference point: