Dates of Arrival and Departure for Hajj 2007

Below are the official arrival and departure dates, issued by the Ministry of Hajj, for Hajj 2007

First day of arrival in the Kingdom for pilgrims is 1/11/1428 H (11th November, 2007).

Last date for arrival of pilgrims in the Kingdom by air, at the King Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah, or at the Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz International Airport, Madinah is 4/12/1428 H (14th December, 2007).

Last date for pilgrims to travel from Jeddah to Madinah by bus is 25/11/1428 H (5th December, 2007)

Last date for pilgrims to travel from Jeddah to Madinah by air is 2/12/1428 H (12th December, 2007).

Last date for pilgrims to travel from Madinah to Makkah by bus (before Hajj) is 5/12/1428 H (15th December, 2007)

Last date for pilgrims to travel from Madinah to Jeddah by air (before Hajj) is 6/12/1428 H (16th December, 2007).

Final date for departure (return trip) is 15/1/1429 H (24th January, 2008)